Saturday, July 29, 2017

Understanding People

First of all, hello all! It's been quite a while since I've written in this blog. Honestly I forgot about it for a while.

I'm coming back to you with a post about understanding people. How can we pick up on what others are thinking? what they are feeling? and how to communicate our ideas effectively to others?
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Just like anyone else, I've learned with age how to pick up on people. It's such a basic instinct if you let yourself feel the emotions and feelings of others. Silently watching as you notice body language, eye contact, and speech. It's amazing once you decide to hide yourself in an imaginary cabinet and looking forward to the person in front of you. Asking questions in your head such as, "what struggles have they faced today?" "Do they have any demons they are hiding?" "how do they perceive themselves?"
Living with an outlook of love and compassion for others; loving your enemies, now that's hard to do.
But here's why its important: it gives yourself peace.
Although I believe there is a limit, when someone in your life is causing constant pain. It's okay to let them go. When all they do is bring hardship, it's okay to step away. I think many people hold onto relationships or friendships because they love them, they would do anything for them, and believe that love means never giving up. There's a fine line to walk with those statements, and at the end of the day you have to decide for yourself, what is your limit? But more importantly, are you giving more than your receiving in this relationship?
It doesn't make you less of a person, it doesn't make you weak, and it sure as hell doesn't make you a lousy relationship partner or friend! There is only so much you can give before it starts to affect you both physically and emotionally. In other words, it's okay to walk away.

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Communicating with others involves understanding others body languages, their facial expressions, and basically nonverbal communication.
Another point is understanding what is behind their words.
Whether their trying to hide their hurt, their disappointment, or their sadness. To maybe hiding their embarrassment, their anxiety, or their impatience. It may take a while but if you train your mind to look into other peoples worlds, you'll be surprised what you can uncover.

The act of understanding people can be hard but with experience, dialing in on the emotions of others, and serving to help others. You can be surprised by how it can enrich your life, and provide a peaceful mind not only for yourself but for the people around you.

Have a great Saturday, stay safe and until next time!

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