Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Topic Tuesday - Shooting for your dreams, why it's important

Hello Guys and Gals!
Welcome to another Topic Tuesday, today I'm going to talk about dreams (yeah I'm gonna be that cliche girl right now haha)

 but I'm gonna talk about dreams today and not the weird ones you have after you fall asleep (ever been chased by zombies only to have your friend's pigtails start to propel rapidly enough to fly away to safety? .....pshh...me either ;P ) but those dreams you've had since a young age. Whether it's to be a musician, an artist, a director, or a magazine editor. The crazy ones we had at a young age before reality set in and we became adults. What ever happened to those passions we had? It feels like whenever we want to shoot for something entirely out of the blue, there are more people than we can count on our hands who will put our ideas down or tell us we're crazy.

Among the many things I love, I've always loved to travel. Whenever my mom told me she was headed somewhere, whether that was the laundry matt/grocery store/ect I would always want to come along just for the car ride. For family vacations I'd always bring my video camera to narrate the whole experience. It's just something about seeing different scenery, experiencing new places, and different people that has always gotten me excited.

So I decided I would save up to travel to Europe on a group tour, I researched and researched for a year straight to figure out how I was going to travel and I landed on a group tour that seemed to fit everything I was looking for. Although, I had people at work telling me not to go and that it was dangerous, that it was a crazy idea to travel by myself. While Italy is 15% safer to walk alone at night than the US and 2 times more police officers. Not to mention violent crime is 7 times worse in the US. Of course no matter where you are there will be crime and you always need to keep an eye out, but it doesn't mean you should stay in your house and only dream to visit these places. Sometimes I think people are more afraid of the unknown than anything else.
So what I'm try to say is that there will be people who will bring you down, who will say something is impossible until you MAKE it possible! This goes for any idea you may have, whether that's to travel, or a business plan you may have, or anything that's outside the box.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
- Mahatma Gandhi  
One guy I always love talking about is Shay Carl of the Shaytards (I know crazy name haha) but basically this guy filmed videos of his kids and posted them to Youtube.

 They began to get popular and Shay decided to collaborate with other Youtubers to make a media company called Maker Studio in California.  In the span of 5 years he quit his job as a granite installer and began to do Youtube full time. His family wasn't doing well financially, but he gave it a faithful try because he loved doing Youtube. But here's the best part, this normal, humble, hilarious family received 5 million when Disney (that's right, Disney) bought Maker Studios. Now the family lives in Utah and after years of struggling they have finally made it to the point where it's no longer an issue, and they can spend the many years ahead enjoying their kids and their family.
(if you're interested in learning more about this family, you can go HERE)

Although this is an incredible story, you may be thinking, "This is a one in a million shot, this would never happen to me" to be financially sound AND live out your dreams can be a struggle, but it's not impossible. It's just a choice of never giving up, and years of hard work. 
Sometimes people will choose to take that lower wage in order to do what they love every single day. It's all about being happy, and if you're going to be doing your job every single day of the week, it better be what you love and it better be something that makes you happy right? and if you are able to make a generous income from it then thats a plus too!

So my main message today is: don't be afraid to do the impossible! go for your dreams no matter how crazy they may seem, who knows you may be surprised what perseverance can do:)

Question of the day: what have you done today to reach a goal you have for the future?

Bonus! This is a great inspirational video! check it out if your interested:)

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Have you ever felt like doing something bigger than yourself?

Do you ever have that burning desire to accomplish great things? Like something is just around the corner for you....I feel like that sometimes.

I feel like I just want to inspire others and help contribute to the world in some way. To be a part of something bigger than ourselves. Although when you live in a small town like I do, it can be a struggle.
It's a struggle because there's nothing to stimulate you. You see the same people walking down the streets and the same quiet nights as stores shut down at 5pm. There's no opportunity, no excitement, no thrill for life. Sometimes I just want to leave...

But what would I do? where would I go?

College is one step, I'm currently on my gap year and saving for both that and a trip to Europe. But when you work a minimum wage job it can be really hard....not impossible...but hard.
My parents were nice enough to let me stay at home while I figure out my journey.

But still....when you hear inspirational songs on the radio that really hit a nerve...you start dreaming bigger and bigger and you're wondering how the heck are you gonna get there..

does anyone else feel this way sometimes? a desire to do bigger and better things yet feeling like it's just out of reach?

Hopefully I'll find my way, although it would be nice to hear from others who may be feeling the same way:P

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Topic Tuesdays: Marrying Young - What some are saying

Hello Everyone!
Welcome to my first Topic Tuesday, and this week I came across an article that I just had to talk about. Sorry ahead of time to start off the first Topic Tuesday on a more controversial note haha.
If anyone is interested in reading the article I'm about to talk about, you can find it HERE.

Let me first put a disclaimer that this is entirely my opinion, if your happy, in love and your able to support a family, than by all means get married! I'm definitely not try to tell anyone how to live their lives:)

So to sum up the article, is it addressing the idea of marriage and how as a society we are marrying later and later. The blogger addresses that this is a "process of self destruction" and soon enough we will hit the point where not only do we decide to marry later in our years but we'll soon "give up water and oxygen" as a result of how traditions are changing. The blogger remarks "Who knows? We can’t tell them how to live, man".

So I'll start this post off with a simple question:
Do you think marrying young is a good idea?
You may say, "Hm, well among many different factors...it could depend on how young"

For general purposes, lets say the age starts at 18. For most people, this is around the age you graduate High School. First off, I truly believe in exploring the world, getting to know as many different cultures and people as possible, and with this you begin to not only open your eyes to the world but you get to know yourself better as well.
Traveling (especially if your brave enough to travel alone) takes trusting yourself to incredible lengths, and you gain a lot of confidence knowing that you were able to do something that is so out of your comfort zone.
The article notes that, "every day I see a link on Facebook to ridiculous clickbait websites like Elite Daily or Thought Catalog, explaining the ’30 Things You Should Try in Your Twenties,’ or some such nonsense, and the list always includes traveling, partying, and hanging out at bars. " but it's so much more than "hanging out at bars", it's about facing your fears, making a life for yourself that makes you a strong individual and that pushes your limits. If you wanna call that being self absorbed and wasting your money than by all means, go ahead.
But being confident on your own for a while means that you can also be confident in your relationships, and you go into marriage with a much different outlook on life. Your absolutely fine spending time watching Netflix alone and you also enjoy going out on the town with your significant other. I think that when two people both have a very stable single life, they come together to make a very confident and trustworthy marriage. Sometimes that takes living on your own, developing your likes and dislikes further, and just experiencing life before taking on your next chapter.

So what do you guys think? Do you think our culture should start marrying younger or continue to marry later in life? Tell me what you think below!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Welcome to my blog!
to start off on a sad note, I had a somewhat big following on my other blog buttonsnbows101.blogspot.com but it was connected to an old Youtube channel that had gotten deleted. So guess what? this means my blog got deleted as well, kinda bummed not gonna lie. But all you can do is move forward and start over, because no matter how much you fuss it won't change things...sadly haha.

But on another note, this will be my new blog! Where you can find music, life, and other random miscellaneous writings! This account is connected to my Youtube channel, so I may mention new videos that come up every now and then. I'm also going through some other big life changes as I decide what to do with my life after high school, I'm currently taking a gap year and planning a trip to Europe next year as well as college...how I will pay for it all could be in a completely different article, but I'll save you from that big mess haha.

So anyways welcome!
I have a lot of ideas for this new blog as well as sprucing it up, stay tuned for articles like Topic Tuesdays where I pick a topic that may have affected me that week, something I feel strongly about, something fun, or something uplifting and inspiring. So stay tuned!:)