Monday, March 23, 2020

Thoughts about Covid-19

I'm currently at my boyfriend's house trekking through this virus we call Covid-19
I have not left the dining room table for 4 days straight lol
Lots of online shopping has been done, and feeling like days have been repeating.
Although going on daily walks has definitely helped.

They say things will get worse before they get better, China has started to recover but they went by very strict guidelines. You were not allowed to leave your house without a paper saying you can walk the streets.
Here we are still able to go to Dunkin Donuts drive through, go to grocery stores, post office, and other necessities. We are seeing a pattern similar to Italy if we don't make more restrictions.
Here's a chart of how things are right now and how they potentially will be in the future. It's the worse around May 22nd. It shows 3 months of social distancing compared to China's style of a lockdown and the outcomes of it.

I have a great summer job I'm looking forward to and will be moving on property, I know we will probably end up moving later on in the summer which is sad but things happen and you can't really prevent it.

Anyways, I'll see you in my next post.