Sunday, November 16, 2014

Have you ever felt like doing something bigger than yourself?

Do you ever have that burning desire to accomplish great things? Like something is just around the corner for you....I feel like that sometimes.

I feel like I just want to inspire others and help contribute to the world in some way. To be a part of something bigger than ourselves. Although when you live in a small town like I do, it can be a struggle.
It's a struggle because there's nothing to stimulate you. You see the same people walking down the streets and the same quiet nights as stores shut down at 5pm. There's no opportunity, no excitement, no thrill for life. Sometimes I just want to leave...

But what would I do? where would I go?

College is one step, I'm currently on my gap year and saving for both that and a trip to Europe. But when you work a minimum wage job it can be really hard....not impossible...but hard.
My parents were nice enough to let me stay at home while I figure out my journey.

But still....when you hear inspirational songs on the radio that really hit a start dreaming bigger and bigger and you're wondering how the heck are you gonna get there..

does anyone else feel this way sometimes? a desire to do bigger and better things yet feeling like it's just out of reach?

Hopefully I'll find my way, although it would be nice to hear from others who may be feeling the same way:P

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